An International Prevention Research Institute (iPRI) has been legally established consisting of eight initial partners working with a large international network of experts.
The iPRI will initially focus on prevention of chronic disease expanding from a solid base in Cancer to include Cardiology and Diabetes and will also expand to include Clinical Epidemiology.
It will have a wide range of expertise in both non-communicable and communicable diseases and in dealing with topics such as exposure to occupational agents; exposures to pharmaceuticals; lifestyle factors notably tobacco, alcohol and the combination of diet, nutrition, physical activity and overweight and obesity; biomarkers; genetic susceptibility and gene-environment interaction; and other factors that influence the risk of developing and dying from cancer, vascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, urological conditions and a variety of other conditions.
In addition to several other interests, the organisation will be specifically interested in identifying the most suitable subjects for clinical trials (knowing that in some instances patients who will not respond can be identified before the trial on biological grounds) and developing and providing state-of-the-art collection techniques for the development of Biobanks and Tumour Banks and their exploitation in molecular/genetic epidemiological studies and other laboratory-based studies.
A unique feature of its work will be that every study or project we undertake will be reviewed by an international Ethics Committee.