Following on from The Lancet's obesity and previous chronic diseases Series, the journal published an Editorial calling for concerted action at the forthcoming UN High Level Meeting on Non-communicable Diseases, and criticises the currently weak commitments that have been made.
The Editorial states: "A bold and comprehensive statement from the UN High-Level Meeting will stimulate a global response commensurate with the burden of NCDs...Lamentably, so far, the negotiations have produced a weak statement that will do little to protect vulnerable populations from the ravages of NCDs."
It goes on to say that there is insufficient emphasis in the draft negotiations document on the affordable, available, cost-effective, priority population- wide interventions, several of which will be cost-saving even in the short term.
It says: "The two top priorities—tobacco control and salt reduction—will enable countries to reduce mortality quickly at very low cost, and achieve much of the mortality reduction goal."
The Editorial concludes: "The next few weeks will be crucial in determining the final political statement from the UN High-Level Meeting. The Lancet is deeply committed to the prevention of NCDs as part of its support for global health.
We urge all concerned countries, institutions, and individuals to make their voices heard by the negotiators in New York and by their ministers, building on the advocacy shown by the NCD Alliance. This is too good an opportunity for improving global health to be missed. We will be judged harshly, and rightly so, if we fail to make a major advance in addressing this neglected aspect of the health of people worldwide."
Source: The Lancet
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